Engaging & Positive times ahead!
It’s been hard to keep up with this blog because I’ve now got quite busy! Summer approaches, the world continues to open up, and the temperature soars.
We are now preparing for events as well as continuing the Afro-Colombian Saturday club at Gnome House, with the drumming circle having returned yesterday.
I’ve felt very pleased with how I’ve come into this role at Mbilla Arts, and the challenge of helping out during peak times will be something I’ll welcome to push me and learn more about the responsibilities of management.
The first Afro-Colombian Saturday club (Banjul to Bogota) went well, and I enjoyed filming and photographing the event, capturing the drumming, dancing and the arts and crafts in the garden. I then put the footage together, which I’m always happy to do as it engages my creative mind to find a way to collect moments and piece them together.
I'm currently applying myself creatively for the E17 Art Trail next month, so quite a bit to look forward to. I will probably describe the event and artwork nearer the time!
